Today I return to one of my favorite places, The Ushachi Hospital, to meet with surgeon Dr. Anatoli. Dr. Sergei, the director was called to Vitebsk and was unable to be with us, and although we missed seeing him, Dr. Anatoli is also an old friend and it was great to reconnect with him. He presented me with a beautiful certificate of thanks as well as a picture book of Russian art. We then met the new head of women’s medicine, the very charming, intelligent, and tender-hearted Dr. Natalya. She explained what it has meant to them to have the endoscope, and she spoke of how often it’s used and how grateful they are to be able to offer better care to their patients.
She tearfully asked me to thank you for bringing such an important tool to them.
2017 was a big year for us at the hospital. We provided windows for the kitchen, the endoscope, pots and pans, two stoves, sinks, plates and utensils. It was exciting to see our gifts in place and to know that we are helping to provide a complete remodel of their practically unusable kitchen.
The next stop was the children’s ward, our favorite stop, and opportunity to play and pass out toys and candy to the kids there. We were thrilled to have some Christmas boxes from Samaritan Purse to give away as well. I’m always amazed at the love and thought that goes into each box. Many of the kids in Belarus don’t often receive gifts, if ever. There just isn’t enough money for such things, so I am certain, that although they are in the hospital, it was a good day for them.
We finished our visit in the usual Belarusian style, with great food, and lots of it.
My heart ♥ is always full in this place, thank you for sending me.